AWeb-II 3.1 AWeb-II 3.0 AWeb-II 2.1 AWeb-II 2.0 AmigaLink SCSI-TV SCSI-TV/570 Product
Serial Number
Date Purchased
Your Name
Mailing Address Street City, Prov/State Country Postal Code
Phone Number
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Comments (If you're having installation problems, please send a separate email to
Dealer Name and Location
How much did you pay for this product?
Where did you hear about this product?
Configuration: A500 A500+ A600 A1000 A1200 A2000 A2500 A3000/A3000T A4000/A4000T CDTV CD32 other 68000 68010 68020 68030 68040 68060 other with MB chip, MB fast memory
Size of hard drive :
What OS version are you using? 3.0 3.1 other
Additional information for AWeb registrations
Which TCP/IP stack are you using? AmiTCP/IP I-Net225 AS-225 Miami Miami SSL (American version) Miami SSL (International version) MultiLink Other None (local files only)
If you are using an add-on video card, which one?